The Motion Series

Emmanuele Cammarano > Watercolors > The Motion Series

Capture the Motion" series

My artistic research leads me to try to reproduce the motion in its various manifestations. In this series I try to represent the movement of musicians as well as children playing, I'm thinking about something similar to a long exposure time.

I am curious to see how far this series takes me and if I can create some new effects.

Some works are for sale. You can visit the catalogue page on this site or, by linking to the external link, look at the Watercolors Gallery.

Serie Movimento Emmanuele Cammarano Acquerellista - watercolor artist watercolor paintings - watercolorist and tutor - demo tutorial
Serie Movimento Emmanuele Cammarano Acquerellista - watercolor artist watercolor paintings - watercolorist and tutor - demo tutorial
Emmanuele Cammarano Acquerellista - watercolor artist watercolor paintings - watercolorist and tutor - demo tutorial

Japanese percussionists

I opened for chance on a series of video on Youtube that triggered my inspiration to start a new painting series.

The drums that these percussionists are playing are gigantic and the most exciting thing in my opinion is to see them by close while they're performing.


Serie Movimento Emmanuele Cammarano Acquerellista - watercolor artist watercolor paintings - watercolorist and tutor - demo tutorial

The carousel

Emmanuele Cammarano Acquerellista - watercolor artist watercolor paintings - watercolorist and tutor - demo tutorial
More works coming soon ...